
Where does the white goes, when the snow melts?

2013 - · Grès, Mélange de céramique expansive · 40×30×20 cm 60×45×10 cm

«Où va le blanc quand la neige fond?» La série Wolkensteine questionne la matérialité poétique. Semblables aux nuages, ces sculptures semblent n’avoir ni origine ni destination. Le processus de fabrication laisse beaucoup de place au hasard. L’argile est estampée dans un moule et modelée ensuite librement dans une forme de pierre qui sera cuite et recouverte d’une couche de porcelaine mousseuse.

"Where does the white go when the snow melts?" The Wolkensteine series questions poetic materiality. Similar to clouds, these sculptures seem to have no origin or destination. The manufacturing process leaves a lot of room for chance. The clay is stamped in a mould and then freely modeled into a stone shape that will be fired and covered with a layer of foam porcelain. During the firing this mixture of bone china and glaze will create small bubbles.